VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH is grain free and soy free plant-based dog food, that will meet any dog's nutritional needs. It is optimally adapted to the nutritional needs of adult dogs.
Lentils and peas have an amino acid profile that is optimal for dogs, so they are a great source of protein for our four-legged friends. Other important nutrients include ingredients such as sweet potatoes, blueberries and carrots. The algae used (EU-origin) provide the essential fatty acids EPK and DHK (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids). The fatty acids EPK and DHK are important for the good functioning of the cells. At the same time they work anti-inflammatory. VEGDOG dog food also contains mineral powder to ensure optimal coverage of all dog nutritional needs.
Additional ingredients of the new recipe: Pumpkin is rich in nutrients and fiber and contains large quantities of vitamins A, C and E and important fiber. Large potassium content of pumpkin (about 300 mg in 100 grams of pumpkin) can have a positive effect on the heart and blood flow. Due to its low sodium content, the pumpkin acts as a diuretic so that it stimulates detoxification processes in the body and makes it easier to digest. Blueberries are processed for their antioxidant properties. The food is rich with fibers which have a beneficial effect on digestion. Minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium are abundant in blueberries and contain vitamins B and E.
Dog food VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH is unsuitable for puppies and lactating female dogs as their nutritional and energy requirements are increased.
VEGDOG products are free of attractants, colorants and preservatives and are of course not tested on animals.
Shelf life: 1 year. (see the date printed on the product)
Storage: store in a dry and cool place.